What is EPDM Roofing?

EPDM is a durable rubber roofing membrane which is used worldwide. It provides a watertight and highly durable roofing solution for small and large commercial projects. 

When choosing a roof material for a new or existing property, owners will have many factors to consider. The main factor for many is will it protect the property from harsh weather conditions? Other considerations include life expectancy, cost, maintenance, and environmental benefits.

EPDM rubber is a highly durable material with a life expectancy of over 50 years with the correct maintenance. This is considerably more than traditional roofing materials. It is designed for flat or low-sloped roof surfaces and creates a waterproof barrier to your roof structure.

Low Cost

Cost is always a question when choosing the best roofing material. EPDM rubber can be less expensive that other roofing materials and is fairly straight forward to install. The membrane is light weight, highly flexible and elongated. The rubber requires little or no maintenance therefore keeping the overall costs down. However a yearly inspection is recommended for peace of mind.

Environmentally Friendly

The protection of our environment is in more demand than ever before. EPDM roofing membrane is environmentally friendly, using eco friendly materials and low energy methods to install. It is recommended by both the Government and the International Kyoto Ecology Agreement as the best value sustainable eco-sound roofing. 

Our Firestone EPDM is ideal for using with a green roof installation. Providing the perfect waterproof layer under sedum and wildflower plants and roof trays.